Thursday, April 8, 2010

i love bikes

I know it is really cliche and lame for people in the city of Richmond VA to love bikes. but fuck those losers I love bikes. seriously. Four years ago I owned a trek 820 then I bought a specialized hard rock then I bought a fuji newest. then I bought an IRO jamie roy. then I bought a motobecane singlespeed mountain bike. then I bought a scattante xrl then I bought a surly karate monkey then I bought a cannondale caad 9 then I bought a surly steamroller then I bought redline conquest then I bought a salsa chili con crosso. While I was buying and selling all of these machines I was maintaining them and working on them myself. Now I get paid to work on bikes and I love it. It is serious thing in my life, I work on bikes for 9 hours a day and when I get home I work on my own bikes. I can make cyclocross wheels tubeless and set crown races with a heatgun and a freezer. (you might think its a good idea to just use a piece of PVC pipe but when you crack your race and have to buy a new headset you'll be calling me for my heat gun.) I only own three bikes currently...and one frame that I am debating selling. None of my bikes can be bought as is from a store. They are bikes that get bike people excited and I will probably sell them to buy something cooler next year. I don't like to race, I like to have fun and work on nice things. I have had jobs teaching music, making cabinets setting up fireworks and driving a pedicab. I know how to work efficiently with my hands so being a bicycle mechanic is second nature.

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